Should You Start Freelancing?

May 8, 2023

Are you okay with uncertainty, managing your time and taking full responsibility? If you answered partially yes, read more.

I didn’t know what I was getting into when I started either. I just started researching and researching. One research was about the way freelancers do business, what the market situation looks like, what to do and what to avoid, learning about branding, crafting portfolio versions, watching lots of YouTube videos from other freelancers and their experiences, scouting the internet for the numerous platforms and niches and more.

The other research was about UX. How to get into the field, how to translate my current and previous experience as an advantage for my future goals, which title would best describe my knowledge and skills I have, how much I should charge in the beginning and later on, who I should look up to as a mentor. I had one session on ADPList that helped me with my decision.

Important note and reminder for myself: Here when I created my first work Instagram account I was burning out. I was overwhelmed by the crippling imposter syndrome, perfectionism and comparison to other creators on the platform. I was opening the app and saying out loud: Why bother, I can’t create such perfect content. But then I realised that that was not my goal anyway. I didn’t want to post that “all-same-looking-like” content of for example:

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  • 10 Platforms that Will Help You to Be More Productive
  • 3 Ways to Improve Your Working Space…blaa blaa blaa
Snap out of it! Focus on you and your strategy! — Photo by Reid Zura on Unsplash

YOU, my friend designer, know what I am talking about. 😂And here is time to mention that I like that content as well and I find it interesting too, but the more I see it the more generic it gets to me! So I deleted that account. Started from scratch, and followed only a few people. Cleared my feed and started to focus on what I would like to post on the platform without overthinking it too much.

That is the marketing part of freelancing, where you create content to be seen and heard. Sometimes it brings leads, sometimes genuine friendships, collaborations and funny moments. I do it for the connection and learning. And because I love to create. When I am not crippled by all those negative feelings that is.

To be noted: freelancing can be both easy and difficult, depending on various elements such as your skills, experience, work habits, and ability to manage your time effectively. Here are some things to consider:

Pros of freelancing:

  • Flexibility: As a freelancer, you have the freedom to work when and where you want. From the coffee shop, library or on the train.
  • Autonomy: You get to choose the projects you work on, the clients you work with, and the rates you charge. It's up to you to make that judgement.
  • Potential for high income: Depending on your skills and experience, you may be able to earn a higher income as a freelancer than you would as a traditional employee. That depends on the strategy you apply if that is your main goal.

Cons of freelancing:

  • Uncertainty: As a freelancer, you may not have a steady stream of work and income, which can be stressful. You never know if that client will get back to you in 2 weeks.
  • Accountability: You are responsible for finding your clients, managing your own time, and handling administrative tasks like invoicing and taxes.
  • No benefits: Freelancers generally don’t receive benefits like health insurance, paid time off, or retirement savings plans.

But in summary, freelancing can be effortless if you have the right skills, experience, systems and work habits, recognise them as your strengths and manage the responsibilities of working for yourself. However, it can also be challenging, particularly if you are starting and are still building your client base and reputation.

So focus on building a good support system for yourself too. There will be good days and not-so-good days. And both are amazing, as long as you look at them in such a way. 😊

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